These are typically raw unsorted loads of general merchandise, anything that Walmart sells could be included in these loads. The price varies per load along with the number of pallets. These loads are normally customer returns. Please call or email for current pricing and availability.
Super fast moving, high end furniture and home accessories . These loads are refused items, box damaged along with customer returns, discontinued items and these are sold by the truck load.
Furniture loads available
outdoor furniture load 21 pallets call for more details
Very clean loads, one of the fastest growing truck loads for us here at the Pallet Place, LLC these loads are typically anything Staples Business might sell. These are normally very clean loads and are normally 22-26 pallet loads.
Three staples loads available manifested. email or call for more info
These loads come in general categories and are normally sold accordingly to a manifest and a percentage of Retail price. These can be overstock, shelf pulls along with returns, Pallet count can change per load depending on category and availability.
HomeDeopt load avavible : 28 Pallets of appliance $12,500