These truck loads can vary in grade from overstock, box damage, new along with returns. These loads are sold raw unsorted, unmanifested or can be sold manifested at a percentage of retail.
several Amazon pallets and loads available
Very clean loads of mixed merchandise from Wayfair, these loads are normally heavy in furniture, home decor and furnishings.
9 loads of wayfair available email or call for infromation
These truck loads can vary in grade from overstock, box damage, new along with returns. These loads are sold raw unsorted, unmanifested or can be sold manifested at a percentage of retail.
These loads are generally overstock, box damaged and surplus merchandise. These loads are sold unmanifested and generally a truck load is 22-26 pallets
We are paper products by the truck load and these loads are generally 24-30 pallets, new in boxes or bags pending which product you are looking for.
here's a list of trucks that aren't under any specific brand name
3pl Appliance load 24 Pallets $12,500
3pl Mixed merchandise 26 Pallets $8500
Plumbing load 10 Pallets $3000
Lasko fands 11 Pallets $5000
lifesmart 12 Pallets $6475